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J. S. Bach
Música y pintura
#Music #FranciscoSanchisCortés #Pictures #Opera #FineArt
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El Monstruo
"Ven Muerte tan escondida..."
Exhibition of Francisco Sanchis Cortés in the Romanesque Gallery of the Cloister of the Abbey of San
Francisco Sanchis Cortés ; Pintor de la música imortal
Merry Christmas from Prague
Scultradeart, Enoch zu Guttenberg, Anton Bruckner and Francisco Sanchis Cortés
Valencianos Ilustres
Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen
the artist´s gaze
Ludwig van Beethoven 200 anniversary
Richard Wagner
Anton Bruckner
Music at an Exhibition
Music at an Exhibition
Music at an Exhibition | María Bernal
Der Ring des Nibelungen
Gabriel Astudillo López
Tiago Passão Salgueiro
Estela Boal Cerezo
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Santo Domingo de Silos
Ainoha Arteta
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Tomás Medina Rebollo
Angel Miguel de Arce López
Patrick Van Klaveren
Judit Cuba
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Almost Forgotten Works II
Not everything is in the tutorials ...
Almost forgotten works
El Monstruo
"Ven Muerte tan escondida..."
Exhibition of Francisco Sanchis Cortés in the Romanesque Gallery of the Cloister of the Abbey of San
Exposición en Aranda de Duero / Exhibition in Aranda de Duero
Francisco Sanchis Cortés ; Pintor de la música imortal
"La Locura de Don Quijote" (The madness of Don Quixote)
Merry Christmas from Prague
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